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Meeting you where you are
The WHOLE person is important at SLHayes Group, and an emphasis on Self-Care is a focal point of our programs. We provide services for individuals, administrations, and groups, meeting you where you are; working in concert to develop a plan to fit your goals. Invest in Yourself, our programming for personal growth and development is geared toward individual and small group needs. Our EXHALE breathing groups, and Mindful Meditation work are tools utilized to make Self-Care more in reach on a daily basis.
SLHayes Group also offers consultations to school systems to develop programs to create safe spaces for students and teachers utilizing Trauma Informed practices and our Social Emotional Behavior Alternatives (SEBA) program. Training educators on the signs of trauma is a huge step to addressing underlying issues affecting student behaviors.
At SLHayes Group we truly are committed to the WHOLE pereson experience. We'd love to meet you where you are.
Change is constant. Life is happening all around us and for us. On this journey of continuous improvement and personal development SLHayesGroup is committed to supporting the health and wellness of the whole person through the life cycle.
We do this by utilizing Mindful techniques, individual and group coaching, wellness retreats and educational materials. SLHayes Group also partners with organizations that support our mission. SLHayes Group seeks to leave a positive impact on all we engage with by meeting each individual where they are.
Presumption should never make us neglect what appears easy to us, nor despair make us lose courage at the sight of difficulties.
- Benjamin Banneker
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